Page 340 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 340


                                         TABLE No. 2 (A).
                   Principal Imports into Push ire from all sources during the gears 1909-10,
                                         1910-11 and 1911-12.

                                                 Viiiae.               Weight.
                                          1909*10.  1910-11.  1911*12-  lOi'JlO.  1910*11.  1911-11.

                                            £      £      £      Tods.  Tons.  Tod*.
                 Matches                   3,431  2,919  3,921    97      82    115
                 Wc*>l for hulling •       3,313  2,227   2,955   564    377    3S8
                 Wine* .                    CG2    C58    1,035    5      7       5
                 WhlsV v, bran-2 j, otc     418    992    1,200    4      11     16
                 Beer and Vinegar .         298    253     123    14      12     20
                 Canlle* •   •              764   2.7S3   7,027   15      CO    112
                 (\\il and Char.*oal •      593   1,634   3,207   123    •101   554
                 Kve .                    20,526  11,313  14,242  1,916  1,023  1,157
                 F'.O 3X •   •   •         2,539  1,3S5   1,762   207    118    143
                 Lcaf-sogar   •   •       100,147  37,673  106,131  4.S99  3,721  4.S68
                 S :: :nd    35.SS9  10,200  36.842  2,201  2,231  2,216
                 Tex. white or pale .     21,055  14,263  13,SC'7  102    Cl     56

                 Tex, black                17,554  17,653  23,115  205   131    222
                 Dmgs and medicine*        6,339  5,931   6,014
                 8: ice* .                 7,709  3,219  7,415    135     54    154
                 Coiling                   3,132  2,915  5,511     7      2
                 Ker.«ene oil .            7,025  4,513  7,581    734    503    839
                 Ire* - * : f.ofl in bar*   1,129  1,523  1,494   83     129    133
                 y.    ;r:4 of iron        1,432  2,979  4,504    44      99     99
                 Pm in plates .   .   .   .  991    62    220     38      2       S
                 1 in. Uad, zinc in bar*, etc. »   2,193  2,791  2,370  55  56   29
                 Copper and nickel, etc   16,465  17,023  13,662  211    221    162
                 Gold and Surer manufactures .   355  428  414
                 Cotton jam and thread .  19,197  15.G01  17,533  216    155    170
                 Cotton tisixet   . •   •  273,740  300,115  459,243  1,877  1,779  2,506
                 Cation turn** other   •   •  1,311  965  1,191    3      2       3
                 Tam* of wood or hair   •   .  2,002  1,053  2,012  8     3       C
                 Tissue* of pare wool   .   •  7,665  12,233  10,513  16  24     22
       « of w;«] mixed with cotton  2,170  6,446  6,461  6  20   18
                 Woollen shawis             891   1,394   614
                 SilkUsinet .   •           696   1,584  2,211
                 Silk tiisnes sized with cotton  4,393  3,974  4yn  5     2       6
                 Gold and Si>er thread .   1,116   916    1,778
                 Hercerj an : haberdasherr   6,541  6,990  7,840
                 Fnmitnre .   .   ,        1,850  2,237   2,711    6       6    • ••
                 Pa;«*r for pr nting. writing, etc   1,322  1,467  1.8 8  32  35  «0
                 S'%:c*. dric-i, ealtod .   1,858  1,852  2,157    37     39     33
                 Leuberware ,   ,   .       313    806    2,152    2       2 l    6
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