Page 343 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 343

            Imports from the different countries in the Port of Push ire during the gears
              1010-11 and 1011-10, as classified according to Persian Customs—contd.

                                         1910-11.  1911-1*   19:0-11.  1911-1*.

                                           £         £       Tom.       Tom.

              France                        293       298         3         l
             India                          232       2G8         3         1
              United Kingdom                 81       213         1         S
             Rossi* .   •                             121
             Gorman/ .                       62       106
             Other coonlrioe                           29

                              Total         658      1,035        6         6
           Brand/, whishj and spirit* of wine—
             Uni tod Kingdom •              6S9       733         8         8
             France ....                    109       239         2         1
             Gorman/ ...                     12        72                   1
             India ....                     1C6       ISO         1         2
             Ma3lj.1t ....                   16        31
             Russia ....                               21                   1
             Turhe/ ....                                6
                              Tor**         992      1,290       11        16

           Beer and Vinegar—
             German/ .                      136       245         9        11
             United Kingdom                  67        62         4         9
             Rossi*                                    86                   4
             India                           38        19         2         1
             Other countries                 12        12                   1

                              Tom,          253       423        12        20
           Lomonadee .                                 16
           Mineral Waters                    23        16                   2
             India •                       2,332     4,180       62        81
             Germany                        178      1,328        8        28
             Belgium .                                760     • •9         18
             United Kingdom                 268       741         6        14
             Other countries                 10        18
                              Tom          2,788     7,037       60       142
   338   339   340   341   342   343   344   345   346   347   348