Page 346 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 346

                  Imports from the different countries in the Port of Bushire during (he gears
                     1910’ 11 and 1911-12, as classified according to Persian Customs—contd.

                                                1910-1L   1911-11.  1910-11.  1911-11.

                                                  £        £        Ton*.     Ton*.
                  Frail* : fresh and dried—
                     India                          318       373       20        21
                     Other countries                 36        12        7
                                     Tom            Sol       3$5       27         21

                  Praits preferred—
                     Indie .                        467       7S0        8         17
                     Chiu                                     639                 12
                     Ucitod Kingdom                 120       231        2         4
                     Qennany                         41       64                   1
                     France .                        31       22
                     Russia                          61
                     Other countries                 1
                                     Totjo.         721      1/3-13     10 j      31
                  OUre v U—
                     Indie                           2-1      17
                     United Kingdom                  23       14
                     Franca                          17        9
                     Germany .   «                   S
                                     Tom            67        40

                  Othor Vegetable oil*—
                     India                          74        106        3         6
                     United Kingdom                 12         4
                    Other conn trio*                40        22         2         1
                                     Tom            126       132        6         7
                  Vegetable*, froth, dried, and protorrod—-
                    India .   .                    1,418    1,040      163        131
                    United Kingdom                  42        54         1         1
                    Other countries                 424       60        67         6
                                     Tom           1,884    1,154      221       138

                  Fish, fresh, dried and preferred—
                    United Kingdom .   .            38        41                   1
                    Indie                           16        16
                    Bahrain .                       76       277         6        11
                    Oman                            70        82        23        11
                    Other coon tries                 8        37
                                     Tori*         208       453        23
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