Page 331 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 331

        vures for all imports : classification is not always   (m) Aikhulu'i (often pronounced Alkhuluq),
        lorrc^tly given:—                           a long garment reaching below the
                                                    knees, low at the nock and not low over
                                                    the chest. Aston, Lamseh and * Ursi9
                                                    prints, Jllack aud White Discharge,
                     l!O*-09, 190910.  1910*11  1911*12,
                      Piece*.  l*ic«#a.  Piece*.  Piece*.  Purple and Chocolate Dubahrs,
                                                    Crimps, an; commonly used. The better
                                                    class will also wear Kalemkars and
                                                    ‘Ska mis.'
        W’bVt  tnd Grey                         (trj Qaba (a long outer garment open at the
                                                   neck). For quality, this depends on
         jIcOcmi (48 jarl.*)           17,420       the wealth of the wearer. The lowest
         jKoican*     1G.493  18,230  7.H30 G.G2G   class wear “ AbrehJJ i.e., pieces of five
         White and Grey
          Shirtings .  49310   30,197  33,129   45,242  yards of Lieprnann's shirting, given
         White Mull* .  41039   15,703  39,001   50,977  to local dyers, and dyed in various
         White Nainsook* .   52 a* S 7  23.722  39,240   40,212  colours.
         CruhrfJ, drill*,
          t«ills and lava* .   18.539  21.031  11,310   12,246  Black Twills are also worn when in mourning.
         White (and coloured                 Those better off make their Qabas in summer of
          g*aze)       4,537  1.518  18,107   15,789  White Shirting, in winter ot black aud (coloured
                                             Italians (Dalit). Fastuni, or Suitings, S iteens,
                                             also plushes, velvets, and silks among nomads.
        Co.rorcd Goods—
                                              Among the middle and better classes in the
         Print* (fart red,                   towns, more purlieu’arly, instead of theQiba, a
          Istnsa, discharge
          a*:eri, etc.) , 1  112,9-9  43.911 112,935 157,652  long garment like a light overcoat, but reaching
         Pubshr? (also classed               nearly to the heels, called a Sirdari, is worn, and
          is print*)   .   .1  32,9 H  37.128   10,931   18.491  in made quite plain of dark miterial either suitings
         It’.acic Twill*  .   . |   9.037  331   13,738 | 10,309  or Black Italians, or of Broad cloth among the
         l!cd aud Purple .
          Twilit   .   .   37.308  17.162   14,203  ’ C2.430  chiefs and people of wealth.
         lied and Parple i                    There is anotb-r kind, corresponding with
          Mall*        0,179  132*17   5,539 1 25.«40
         IDs* M nil*  .      ..................... i 9,8.9  the i-.uropean frock-coat, but with pleats below
         l;’.a k aud Dyed                    the waist at the bi.-k, calk-1 a Sardar-i-Mizxmi.
          Italian*     2.670  2. C-32   4,142 ’   4.599  Nomads ahs) use Striped Twills.
         CrivjjH       9,942  9.79 -1»,351   21,459
         MrsVr.i', bone*,etc.   S.791  3, r>0   23,103   25,516  (r) Shal-i-Karnar. Among the tribesmen
         JlJjeV and White                           universally, aud among the majority
          Print*   .   .1   7,917   3,067   5.273
         li-vk aud Grey •                           of townspeople, a heavy thick roll,
          D.-P*   .   .!                C97         usually consisting of an entire piece of
         *vcen«, Alpacas . \   1,902  4,149 i 1.219   Mulls (22 yards loug' or of Drill, col­
         Dr vadca                    i 1,422        oured, or of purple Twills for mourning,
         Mi^ftiaucoos.      19,973  17.032 i 10,790
                                     I              is wound round the waist over itcins
                                                    of dress (f), (it), and (Hi).
             Total  . 1:5,019 2S0.S76  413,303 500,112  (vi) Shalwar (Trousers). M*ken worn by the
                     i                            better class over the Ziri-i-Jameh, these are
                                                  commonly made of black Italians and
         Tk-';p figures would tend to show that Red and
        Purple Twills and Mulls, with white goods, various   Twills.
        prints, and Crimps have bceu heavily imported in   Prices in Buskin? for cotton-goods during 1911-12
        comparison with previous years. It may be of   averaged for the principal classes of goods per
        iuterest to give some notes on the employment of   piece:—
        tie different classes mentioned above towards                 i
        clothing tribesmen, such as those described in.the   1910-11 1911-12 ; Sterling cqu-val-
        introduction to this report: these remarks fo not   Krana. Kians. I ents, 1911-12.
        apply to the many-coloured stuffs used by women,
        or to outer articles of the dress of the better class          «. d. t. d. t. <1. *. d.
                                              Mexicans (96 jards)  CO, 70 . 36  20 4*
          The Persian tribesman wears:—
                                               „ (Boro'.ay 48    • 3t, 32 . 12 4J.ll 7|
           (0 A long under shirt (Jameh-Juma or Pir-   yard*) («).
                ban) made of nainsooks (white or dyed   „ (Boa.kiy 48   32, 30 , 11 7J.10 11
                black), or white Malls, 20 yards, or    (*>•
                dyed black in Bombay. Nomads also   While Shirting*  ...
                use coloared drills. In winter, white            | 36. 33,  13 1  12 0. 13
                                                                  37, 27.
                                                                        5j,9 5).
                Shirtings are used : and an inferior
                kind is made of Mexicans (IS yards).   I.icpmana’* Shirting* .  ...   36, 38. ! 13 1, 13 9J, 14
                                                                  40. 38.
           (ii) Drawers reaching to the ankle (Zir                      6, 13 »».
               Jameh) and very wide. For summer   White Mall* (22yard#)  13, 14 . 144,13]   5 2. 4 11|,  4
               wear in the littoral, White Mulls, or             j 13|   10].
               dy-’d in Bombay, are used : for winter   White KaintooV* (20   18, 19   19), 18.  6 11, 6 6). 6
               \Vhito Shirtings, or the same dyed blue   yard*.   17     2)
               in Bombay and then known as Kasa-   White Carj.hHea (12   13. 12.
               wari. The pFopet- classes also wear   jard*)       10, 9.  4 R|* 4 4). 3
               Mexicans.                                         i       7!. a 3],
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