Page 414 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 414
1911-13 1912-13 1911-11 1912-13
X X Tou« Ton*
Jliw Colton—
Bahrain 672 2,101 11 39
India 7,003 1.SS9 1C9 37
United Kingdom GO 121 1 1
Germany C5 2
Oilier countries 101 323 2 6
Totals 7,507 4,437 185 84
Cotton yarn . 49 149 1 1
Cotton tissues.—
20 752 1 1
Bahrain 221 279 l 1
Oman , 11 101 1
Kuwait 10
Other countries 3
To rats 221 1,133 2 6
Woo!, raw—
United King-lorn 4,010 3,353 122 63
India , 716 1,097 20 41
Germany SO 2
Other counlrioe 15 31 1
Totals 4,717 4,174 112 115
Wooilen yarn . 32 ICO
Carpets of wool—
Turley . 23,007 45,733 103 97
Egjpt . 25.020 28,237 73 7S
India. 6,639 6,022 17 17
United Kingdom 1,393 3,931 6 13
Aden . . 1,019 3
Kuwait 216 .614 1 3
Bahrain . 611 6S4 2 3
Omni 16 197
Germany 71 190
Unitod Stales 120
Maslat 200 90 1
Franoe . 13ft 40
Russia . 13
Zanxih&r 120
Totals 62,032 86,844 203 • 208
TUfurs of pure wool 60 733
Tinces of silk 343 155