Page 415 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 415


                                           1911*11   1912-13.  7911-11.  1912-18.
                                             jC        JL       Tona.     Tona.

        Juto Tarn—
           Cnitod Kingdom                     2,130                S3
           Other countries                     73                   I

                                Totals        2,553                S3
        Gold And Silver tbrr.vl .              21        41
        Tissucn not epccificd                            107     • H         16
        Ropod, cordage «nd tvrine               1        10
        Morccry and lribcrdnsberj              118       137        1         2
        Furnituro ...                           6        11
       Articles of Art                         10        51
          Unitod Kingdom                    1,19,133  2,00,9 £5    53        &1
          Dutch Ind’ie                        6,000    41,000       2        14
          China .   •                       1,19,000   60,135      45        29
          Japan •                                      4,302                  2
          India                                         1,503                 1
          Other c?"'. tries                    33        40
          Japan .                             1.S00                 1
                                Toms        2,-15,036  3,23,247   105       130
       Ski on, raw—
          India                              12,019    19,276     243       311
          United Kingdom .                     10       591                  23
          Other countries                      ICO                  3
                                Totals       12,189    20,270     2-15      364
       Leather manufactures .                  14        17
       Earthenware and ehimwire                181      9S4        53        22
       Printed matter                          393       100        2         1
       Forage                                   7        17         4        12
       Tobacco unmanufactured—
          Turkoy .                            4,616     3^10      155       141
          Bahrain                              783      1^53       27        39
          Adon                                1,148     503        35        16
          France .                                      200                   4
          India •   •                                   167                   6
          Kuwait                               403      121        IS         4
          Unitod Kingdom                                 70                   2
          United States                        78                   4
          Egypt .                              50                   3
                                Toma          7,077    5,623      237       210
       Tobacco manufactured .                   1         3
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