Page 417 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 417
Total foreign Trade of southern Tertian ports {eliding those Aralistan during the yeart 1911-1%
Incpftwc in Deere**. ■
District. 1910-11. 1311-12. Z 1912-11 com;ired ccmp^H
1911-12. 1911-12.
£ £ £ £ £
Bathiro . • 075,017 932.631 1,010,892 111,301
Raaidar Abb.u 130,931 3,89,736 364,42S 25,30s
Lingah and district 154,210 173.567 160,439 7,12s
Klirg . 325 387 251 136
Tahiti (Rangoon) 1,789 1,814 1,902 88
Charbar 13,235 14,798 17,103 2,005
Ja»k 2,707 2,171 2,035 130
Bandar Dilara 650 1,-147 2,244 797 Rig . 208 203 163 3?
Klshra . 1C,GOD 17,325 17,964 639
Miaab . 625 238 1,130 892
Pl’var . 127 2S8 219 :s
Gfaatvch 157 69 . S6 28
EsJhilleh 64 20 33
Total 1,303,253 1,534,026 1,621,212 119,410 32,821
Increase 86,586
Increase in Decrease i:
1912-13 1912-13
District. 1910-1L 1911-12. 1912-13. compared compared
with with
1S11-12. 1911-11
£ £ £ £ £
Enshire . 318,950 069,020 700,800 31,780
Eandar Alias 205,035 315,395 320,963 5,568
Lingah and district 192,210 166,657 193,141 26,584
Kharg . 2S4 239 22 217
Tahiti (Rangoon) 8,492 13,002 17,952 4,950
Chaxbar 13,310 19,764 20,799 1,035
Jaak 1,083 1,172 829 343
Bandar DHans 6,033 3,149 7,485 4,336
Eandar Rig . 3.227 1,621 2,594 1,073
Kishm • . 10.4S9 15,853 21,943 6,095
Sinab . 16,801 23,748 33,979 10,231
Dilvar . 1,544 18,106 16,023 917
Genaweb 1,923 1,933 3,392 1,459
Rudhilleb 1,290 416 507 91
Totals 810,671 1,240,875 1*310.43 4 94,119 660
TnoniaM 93,659