Page 419 - 5 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE I_Neat
P. 419
Riturn of 1Irilith Shipping which entered and cleared in the Foreign Trade of the Port during the ■
year 21it If arch 19I'd to 29fh March 1913.
(a) Steam Yi?>xi.s.
Cccntilra W it a Caaooaa. la D. TOTiL. C<R91ll<l With Caacora. Is* Diiitir, TOTkfc.
ihfM« !•> '■Mob
entered. (kvxl.
No. | No. No. No. ! No. I No.
"f Tonnage.' o( Tonnage. cf Tonnage. of Tonnage. of Tor.r.ije. ct r<T3T»C».
Vc«m1«.! .Vfaicl*. VmeU Veaaela.l Vet-el*.
: J
Urlttd King- 28 t 8,000 .12 72.012 l*ri:M Klog. 18 11.123 ; 18 c.m
Jon. Jot*.
Other rontild, OtJ'fT coon-
til !- ttir*. fix.— I •!
110 . .
IclU H2.051 3 0.118 119 I l?.Oi7 Ir 100 129.538 12,21.3 112 1*V«1
I 1
Bara* 1 030 1 ao Birx* 1 1,001 i 1 l.oei
i i
Alta 11 210,113 n 29,1 13 Alt* * 3.1*1 2 J.V*
IM Sh lj 1.252 5 0.025 0 R 1 Sea 5 I C.Cvl 1.2« , I e V**
P.r.*.*. ,i
I '
Tort 10 21,922 10 21,M2 ; : Ere;i (Port IC.lftj 25 j*.5M
Sudl. ! I i :5! ■
; i 2.0:8
*1 2 4,117 2 i >!i-» at ; ’i 3 2.'C9
: i
Nr ■» York j 2 i 4.15-.' 2 ».U0 T a r k i s h 5®! 6 ll.llO
i Atiliii.
I Hul-nt; . 1 2,502 I 1 2.W2
117 2.■3,05.1 11! 81.258 •
7e**i* 212.130 :ic 07.501 133 Tern* 1*1,533 4! ! 173 >:7^i2
(A) Sailing Vessels.
Ccsntrfee Wits Cibgoe*. In D, : Tot»u i C-'-anl rlf ■ j Wir« Ckicort. Is Billast. Tot**.
*» brace I_________________ • to'sMch 1
entered. ! I rimed. I
No. No. I No. No. No. No.
of Tonnare. ! of •Tonnage. I of Tonnage. 1 of Tonnage. of Tonnage. of Tcoocage.
Tewli.*. Vettcl*. |Vm«la.| :Ve**tla Teasel*. r
United King* United King-
detn. deem.
Other eocslrfe*. OtVer eoon-
tit:— titt, etc
3. a. I\ I., DolM-Xo. Oil V. D.—-9-l-l-t—48.