Page 176 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 176

                      knowing nothing v/hatever nbout Elecricity or engineering
                      myself.   After some slight modificntions were made in the
                      contract I brought it back to "dobrain at the end of the summer.
                              In t:.e spring of 1929 Co  eder’s sent another of thei:
                      engineers to examine the place, and during his visit the tender
                      was definitely accepted by the Government of 3aliroin, subject
                      to e slight rSHfclIbn revision in cost of building the Power
                      House depending on the nature of the soil on the site.
                              The tender was for £ 20,607/17/8.  It included Power
                       House, plant, consisting of two three cylinder Mirrless-Diesel
                       oil engines of 150 3. H. P. each, auxiliaries, alternotors,
                       switch gear, high tension feeders, three sub-stations, Kiosks,
                       low and high tension overhead and underground distributions,
                       etc. etc.
                              In August, 1929 the first instalennt of the contract
                       was paid, being one tenth of the total.

                              In Sepetember, 1929 !!r. Jordan of Callender’s, arrived
                       as their Resident* Engineer with some of his workmen, others
                       arrived later.  The site of the Power house, which had not

                       been definitely settled, was finally fixed,   The change of
                       site necessitated a change in the lay out which cost an. addition
                       si £ 79/-.
                             Soon after the arrival of the engineer the Electric scheme
                       was again discussed in the fhmicipulity Council and it was
                       -greed that they should contribute 20% of the capital cost of
                       the scheme. The rate^to be at -ns. 8/- per unit for lighting
                       and as. 4/- per unit for Power, subject b6       reduction
                      Isould the profits allow it.
                             The building og t .e Power House was started soon after
                       the engineer’s arrival.
                             In December, 1929 the entire materiel end machinery in
                       connection with the scheme hcd arrived and the second instalment
                       6C# of the whole, was peid.
                             After estimates had been submitted it was decided thet all
                       interior wiring end fitting in Government premises should be

                       c-.rried out by tb« contracting comnnnv.  The PmM i«
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