Page 175 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 175


            The question of supply end demand was gone into end it was
            ascertained that shout 2000 lanrs end 200 fans would be
            required, including street lights and Government buildings.
            The y^rp happened to be a good one, financially* since then
            two of the- local merchants whose requirenents/emong the larg­
            est have gone bankrupt, and many others are now in a somewhat
            critical hand financial position.
                            A Public meeting was held in Hanaaah and it
            was decided that a company should be formed in which the
            Government and the Menamah Municipality and the general public
            were each to have an e^ual share and e^ual control,   The
            local merchants, as representing the public, declared their
            willingness to purchase shares.
                           Later on, for various reasons, the idda of a
             company was found to be unfeasable and the suggestion was
                           Cories of the plans and the specifications
            prepared by Mr. Stevenson were forwarded by the Government
             to the leading electrical firms in India and Irek with a
             request that if the undertaking interested them they should
             prepare tenders.  Lost of the firms replied that they could
             not tender^the whole scheme but could undertake part of it,
             this did not suit the requirement of the state, others
             appeared to consider that Bahrain was too far off the beaten
             track for then to work in.  I'essers. Callender's Cable L
             Construction Co. Ltd,, however were prepared to tender for the
            •whole scheme and on their own initiative they sent represent-
             ative to visit Bahrain.

                            In the summer of 1928 I was in England on
             leave*  I had a nunber of meetings with l!r. Stevenson end
             with him I called upon several of the firms with whom we had
             corresponded through their Indian agencies,   Finally Callen-
             der's Cable L Construction Co. Ltd., submitted a complete
             tender for the whole scheme which was carefully examined and
             oporovei by !'x. Stevenson upon whose expert knowledge I relied*
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