Page 180 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 180
The R. A. F. hove now converted the junrontine into o permanent
F.est EBiGiiflC Camp, It is very conveniently situated exactly
opposite the flying boot anchorage,
h. E. ohnikhJius leased to the Government a little
"eninsula which is his own private property on the south of
1'ul.urrak, known as 3u roller, os a site for the new quarantine
sit o rent of Its. 4i?0C/- per annum, The place is at present
occupied by servants of Shaikh Iso. Theses people ore to be
removed to o site on the shore north of Muhorr>.k where they v/ill
be given some lond ana fully corapenuuted for being moved, The
position is o very suitable one; it cun be reached by boots ot
oil tides, it is connected to Muharruk by o narrov/ isthmus, it
contains on artesian well and there is o large amount of stone
which will be used for the new buildings, the remains cf the old
iJX'b fort of ffelc Bu Maher.
I.otnble Visitors.
In the middle of December the ilon'h'-' the Political
Resident paid his first visit to Bahrain and various official
functions were arranged for the occasion.
In Februsry II. H. King Ibn S**.- d poid u sudden visit
to Bahrain leaving o few hours after his arrival.
Towards the end of the yeor Sh-ikfc l/ohomcd bin
of aSoIow, come to Bahrein and remained for -.‘bout two
months. ili~ purpose was to borrow money. lie was given a loon
of S3. 50C0/- until after the Diving Season.
Other visitors included the following-
Shr-ikh June bin I'aktoom of Dubai.
B Rashid n Khslfen " Sh^rgnh.
•” Ali " .luma " Br^imi.
" Jaber " Mohamed n As«low.
" /.lleg " Huaed " wagube.
n lcoh»r.ed " -^leh n Ohartk;
" Isa w Musc&t.
There has been no further influx of brwnsir, nor, in my