Page 383 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
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                       Muharraq Pnnicipal ity.

              Revenue 1350 Us 37,122/-  1351 Rs 33,919/-

              Exnenditure "       28,916/- ,f 27,758/-
              Outstanding against the Balndiye, Rs 3,14l/-

              Loon from Manamah Bal: diya — also us 23,313/-
              loan from the Bahrain Govt, for installation
              of electric supply in Muharraq. The expenditure
              for 1351 includes payment of on instalment,. fo 7,7717-

              due to the Government from the account loaned for
              electric extension.

                 Very little new work of importance, apart from
              the usual activities of the municipality such as
              street lighting, cleaning, repairs to roads etc.

              has been curried out during the y ,?or.
                 Several streets in the bazaar were re-roofel,
              the pier wa3 resurfaced end some roads were widened

              and awkward corners were removed.       The style of
              building in Muharraq town is not conducive to
              road widening as most of the houses are tv/o^ three

              storied and the greater proportion of them ore
              built of stone.     The toxin is congested, surrounded

              on throe sides by the sea, and as there has never
              been any room for expansion the tendency in the
              past has been to reduce the width of the streets in
              order to make more room for houses,        There are no

              maidans or open spaces in Muharraq town and it is
              partly for this reeson that the heat in the summer

              becomes so excessive that many of the Muharraq
              people migrate to Ifanamoh during the hot weather.
                 A great improvement has been effected by the
              filling in of one end of the creek at the liih&rreq
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