Page 385 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 385
Artesian wells.
Twelve new artesian wells wore sunk in Jjahrci n
during the year.
The question of the government's control over arte
sian wells and the prevention of waste of water and the
elimination of stagnant water in which mosquitoes breed
has been under consideration for some time. In tfeptr.
ISoL, lajor Holmes of the Bahrain fetroleum Co., expressed
his views on the subject in a letter to ii. H. Sheikh Hamad.
As the expert who first bored wells in Bahrain he pointed
out the dsnpor of rednc?n~ the water supply end the
pressure by promiscuous drilling anu unrestrained flow
of water.
Tlie matter was discussed anu finally the Dadrain Govt,
issued a proclamation laying down the conditions under
which wells could be sunk which are as follows.
No more wells are ullowed inTanemch, Iruharraq, iiidd,
or Galali as these towns are well supplied with water.
.ill wells must be provided with volves and overflow pipes
so that the overflow can be reflated and when not in
use the water can be turned off. Hininnm length of
pipe to be used in the well is 90 feet, An initial fee
of Rs 100/- to be paid for permission to bore and an
annual rent of Rs 50/- for all we11s used for agriculture
or personal requirements. Hells used to supply the
public witn water are not xiaole for tuis tax. ■ * '/■ w6xxS
are to be inspected by a Government official in order, to
ensure their being kept in propur order, It is hoped
that these regulations will have the effect of preventing
waste of water and in reducing the amount of mosquitoes.