Page 386 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 386
Unfortunately no real progress has been made in this
direction during 1351. The services of Mi*. Said Abdul
Dour who was obtained in 1930 from the Department of
Agriculture, Iraq, were dispensed with during the year.
Owing to lack of money it was impossible to utilise the
services of this official to the best advantage, Ho
funds were available for purchasing trees or for carry
ing out experimental work and the cotton crop which was
planted last year was not grown again, it was proved
however that cotton can be grown in Bahrain successfully.
The services of an agricultural expert would undoubtedly
be of great benefit to Bahrain but at present they
cannot be afforded.
Orange cultivation. A few of the orange trees
planted in H. E. Shaikh Hamadrs garden, Sanayan, on
the l!ani road, were allowed to bear fruit and the
oranges ripened successfully and were of
exceptional size and of good quality, The trees are
growing well and in the spring of 1351 about one-third
of the trees blossomed and many of them are now bearirg
young oranges. It can be definitely assumed that
oranges can be grown successfully in Bahrain and if
private individuals would experiment in this direction
they would find a ready market in the local bazaar and
possibly in neighbouring Gulf ports.
Private enterprise. Cultivation is gradually
increasing all over the island but the nature of the
cultivation remains conservatively the some and consists
entirely of dates, lucerne and a few species of local