Page 387 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 387
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local vegetables. Only a few people such as Khan'
Saheb Yusuf Kanoo and Khan Bahadur Abdul Aziz Gozaibi
inport new varieties of trees or experiment with seeds.
The family of Arayyad recently purchased a large
area of ground behind the Fort and this has been
planted out with date trees, It is irrigated by an
artesian well*
Date crot). The date crop of 1351 was considerably
better than the crop of 1350. Bahrain was not visited
by locusts and the trees did not suffer from any date
Storm damage. An unusually severe storm ocurred
towards the end of the year which did a great deal
of damage in the gardens, Several thousand date
palms were torn up by the roots or snapped in two.
It is impossible to arrive at an estimate of the damage
but in one garden alone containing about 600 trees 78
were destroyed. The average value of the crop from
one tree can be taken as Bs 3/- and if the value of a
full grown tree is calculated at 10 years produce
the loss in this garden alone amounted to over Its 2000/-.
Unfortunately the tallest and the finest trees were the
ones most affected as owing to their height they were
more exposed to the wind.
The indications of the new date crop are satisfactory
and the abnormal amount of rain does not appear to have,
caused any harm to the young dates.