Page 514 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 514
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Report on the Re venae for 1353.
1. CueThere has been an increase of
approximately half a lac in the revenue col
lected by the customs department which includes,
besides customs dues, vehicle, pearling and
boat licenses. This increase is explained in
the report from the Director of Customs.
2. Oil. Eight instalments of Its 5,7o9/- were
received during the year from the Bahrain Petro
leum Company according to the Supplementary
Agreement dated Novenb-r 21, 1933. ins
talments' were paid in 1352. The total pay-
' meat amounted to fcs 75,000/-, of which Ks 50,000/-
was recoverable from future royalties. in
addition to this sun the government also
received Is 20,000/-, not recoverable, being
the amount payable according to the minimum
royalty clause of the Supplementary agreement.
3. Lease of aerodrome. This represents the
lea¥e of the aananah aerodrome for which two
instalments, for 13 months, were paid during
the year.
4. With the exception of Judicial receipts,
interest oq reserve, and loans recoverable, the
revenue from othe^/scurces corresponds closely
to that received during the last year.
5. Interest on Reserve. Interest on Reserve
has fallen from approximately Rs 3,000/- to
Rs 5,C00/- mainly owing torthe decline in rates
of interest. Money which was placed on deposit
/ in 1351, on which interest accrued in 1352 obtained
/ :
a good rate, it v/as reinvested in 1352 at a much
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