Page 519 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 519


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                    goou profits from selling pearls,      i,.ost 01
                    this profit is lost ana in addition there is
                    a constant danger of being cheated,      The

                    necessity cl examining every pearl wmch is
                    purchased in a pearl testing; apparatus is
                    troublesome ana costly; there are still
                    very lev/ of these machines in London and the
                    fee for testing pearls is high.
                    a.   There is still however a market lor real

                    pearls especially in India and the Last,      It
                    seems that the wealthy Indian personages and

                    princes are still interesteu only in the real
                    article.    The competition of the cultured
                    pearl has scarcely afiected the seed pearls
                    and small rearls.    it is possible that the
                    Japanese find that it is not worth cultivat-

                    ing these grades.    The price of ,,sherinH and
                    "Naim” during the last season was not lower
                    than the year before.

                    4. The ld53 season.  The most significant
                    fact of the last season was that cniy Mu
                    boats y;ent out to the banks instead of 4^6
                    which Vfrs the total number diving curing the

                    previous season. n decrease of s?6 boats out
                    of a total of 436 is very serious. it does
                    not follow that the reduction in the number

                    of divers was quite in proportion to the
                    decrease in boats because in many cases indi­
                    vidual boats carried more men.
                    b. i have as usual examined the accounts of

                    the diving clerks in oraer to arrive at an
                    estimate of the value of the catch. in the
                    case of boats whose accounts are not made up
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