Page 520 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 520


                                 up by the cier.cs 1 have taxen the available
                                 l’l ures as a basis on which to la;.e an average tor

                                 the boats whose figures are not obtainable,     it
                                 shcuici be reneaberea that zy f l • ures are cniy
                                 aoproximate and they represent the rocxbottom

                                 prices o! the pearls v/hicn change hanas many
                                 times before they ieave Bahrain each time increas­
                                 ing the price of the pearls.    Unfortunately l
                                 only began to examine these accounts a ieY< years

                                 ago, when the slump in the pearl trade began but
                                 before io4'//48 the figures of the sales would
                                 have been very much higher.

                                  6.   1 give below the particulars of the last
                                  five seasons.
                                        Year.       tfo of       Totax value cf
                                                    boats.       pearls m Rs.

                                       1048/4^      bus          01 ,&b,UVA>/ -
                                       io4^/bo      bu4          i8,oo,0uo/-
                                       iobu/5i      4b6          i0,i4,uuu/-
                                         lbb c      4o6          io,4o,u0u/-
                                         io5o       o4u          iu,uu,uuu/-

                                       The uatch.     The public m general are of
                                  the cpinion that the banxs are producing less
                                  pearls than they used to.   1 qo not tiling that
                                  this can be assumed.   The .nrabs in the pearl

                                  industry ao not tuxe into consideration the de­
                                  crease in the number oi boats.    ,;hen they send

                                  out less boats the production must decrease.
                                  They also argue that the quality or peuris has
                                  deteriorated, that fewer valuable peuris are
                                  louna, in this again they ao net taice into con­

                                  sideration the general slump m prices oi pearls
                                  but they make comparisons between the season ana
                                  seasons when the market was nourishing,     The
                                  highest price :aia lor t single jean during the
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