Page 525 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 525


                                                                            1 ••
                         Police and Public Security,

                   1.   Folic*? strength.   fho total strength of the

                  Police force at the end of the year was 172. M.C.Gs
                  and nen, including two sections who are not yet
                  fully trained.    iVith this number cf nen it is
                   possible to provide for all outside duties and

                  guards and to retain aoout fifty men in training
                  at the Fort in Pananah who v/ould be available in
                  case of emergency.    The force is divided into
                  1o sections excluding the bund ana the headquarters

                  s^aff.    All the police, with the exception of
                  three Indian instructors, are locally enlisted men
                  but of the following nationalities:-
                           Arabs          97
                           Persians        13
                           Shia Bahama    10
                               slaves      3,
                  the remainder include Swahilis, .Sudanese, Iraqis,
                  Yemenis, Aurds, Lislabaris and Baluchis.

                  2.   The late Superintendent /f Police.      curing
                  the summer, the Police Superintendent, died very
                  suddenly.    ibis officer had served in the Police
                  since the force was originally organised by the
                  iJananah Municipality,   He was a Shia 3ahrani, a

                  very loyal, intelligent and reliable officer with
                  a particular aptitude for investigation work.
                  By his death the government lost a most valuable
                  servant.   niter he died a certain faction of the

                  Mananah Shia comnunity endeavoured, in a most
                  unsuitable manner, to secure the appointment of
                  Haji Sulman's son as Superintendent of Police.
                  There is in Bahrain a certain l’eeliag that such
                  pests as this are hereditary.     The young man in
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