Page 526 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 526
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i-n question hoc served for about lb :ionc.:s in
the police and is at present neither u suitable
or capable nun for the post which is on*: of con
siderable responsibility requiring a nan of a^e
and experience, The work is now be ing curried
on by the two senior havildurs, one of then
deals lainly with the investigation of criminal
cases and the other is responsible for the routine
at the Tort and the parades, This arrangement
is, so far, satisfactory. The son of the lute
Superintendent is learning court work and it is
proposed that he should oe sent to India, if
arrangements can be nude, to acquire experience
of Indian police methods and administration.
3. Duties. rhe police work generally does
not vary much but one or two changes have been
lade during the year, lx was found advisable
to detail a whole section for duty in the ^ana.mah
oazaar in the day tine owing to xhe increase in
motor traffic etc. The bazaar beat was formerly
provided by the naturs but the authority of the
uniformed police is mere effective in work of
this type.
4. The police now go for a route march every
ounday and once or twice during the year all
men who are availaole go out for several days
making a complete tour of the island and camping
outside various villages. The people of Bahrain
are surprisingly insular; most of the police are
recruited from the towns of ^ananah and L'uharraq
and very few of them have ever been- into the
country beyond ilanamah. The sight of the police
on march with iheir oand ha3 a good effect on the