Page 527 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 527
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tho country viLlares and also tives the nen
?.n opportunity of = 11ia . to know the geogru.-hy
of the island.
5. national Anther. A number of guards of
:.onour, usually one hundred strong, have been
provided during the year on official occasions
and visits of i:?ortant personages. «hen
his Excellency the A'aval Con -.cinder in Chief
visited Bahrain in 1934 a national anthen for
the Shaikh of Bahrain was composed by the band
master of the admiralTs flagship. juring the
summer, when i was on leave, I arranged for
the tune to be orchestrated and to oe recorded
on a gramophone record, unfortunately there
was some delay over this ana the police band
were not sufficiently acquainted with the tune
to play it during the last visit of ti.te.S.
"Hawkins”. Since then they have oeen practising
it and can now play it. The tune is slightly
reminiscent of "Buie Britannia”. It is ho^ed
that it may be possible to borrow a bandsman
from an Indian army^for a month or two in
order to teach the police band which required
the services of an expert.
The following is an extract from the
’’Daily Express”
”Travelling in a British warship was
HaiJiD, Shaixh of Bahrein, a British
protectorate on the Persian Gulf.
He made friends with ship’s bandmaster.
"now does your national anthem &o?7
asked the oandmaster.
:,I haven’t got one, said the Shaikh.