Page 531 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 531

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                  ut the oil camp in any v/ay, either by a police
                  post or by nature. During the year there have
                  been frequent thefts at the c*i:ips as well as a
                  case of assault which almost caused the death
                  of a Somali. iTnen such iaatters have been

                  reported, the police have investigated the cases
                  but none of the robberies have been traced.
                  According to the concession agreement the Bahrain
                  government assumes certain responsibility in the

                  case of thefts etc. The present position is
                  unsatisfactory. The company is known to be
                  employing a number of bad characters many of
                  whoa have served terms of imprisonment for theft

                  and ether crimes, the naturs working at the camp
                  are under the company1s orders, not under orders
                  of the government, ana the nearest police post
                  is at Sakhir ana only while the Ruler is in

                  13. Crime. Dacoity. During the second
                 half of this year there has been a recurrence of
                  crimes which in India would be described as
                 dacoity. Within a few months attacks were

                 made on the village of Zinj, about li miles
                 east of the Mananah Sort,and Barbar, a big
                 village on the Budeya road. At Zinj the house

                 of the richest man in the village was attacked by
                 about a dozen men armed v/itn rifles. The house
                 was searched and a chest containing several thou­
                 sand rupees was removed. The owner of the house,
                 an old mail, and his wife were severely beaten by

                 the robbers and later the old nan died partly
                 as a result of the attack.
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