Page 533 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 533

?,:   53i

                  or nine years a*c they were cl' frequent occur-
                  renco.   phi.ix is reason to believe that tne
                  nnpiercers ami naiij ol' the cu.pnts are

                 Hsssav.ic who slif across to the mainland
                 alter carrying cut an attec*,     The two attacks
                 on villages have produced a very unfortunate

                 result locally.    The ohia Haharna are thoroughly
                 alarmed and every viilace has arranged a system
                 of armed watchmen to :eep off robbers, when the.
                 country people go to the gardens at night for

                 won; in the irrigation channels, they £0 in
                 parties carrying rifles,     This is an unsatis-
                 factory state of things as the saaarna are apt
                 to .'ire :•!'!' rifles at harmless people thinking

                 that t..ey are robbers.
                 14.    .y.uherraq murder.  A well mown prostitute
                 of y.uharraq was r.uraerea, sewn up in a sac it and
                 thrown into the sea.     The cause of the turner

                 was jealousy between the frequenters of two
                 nDars:' which car; be described as clubs patro- •
                 nised by persons of can character,     The case
                 fuily investlgatec ana the police were satis­

                 fied that the murcer had teen cone by certain
                 persons but the actual in evidence was msuf-
                 i'icient to obtain a conviction.    The suspects
                 were 3ll foreigners from the mainland ana they

                 were repatriated to their country.
                 It.   oitrah murder. At the end of the year
                 a nurcer tcc.u: place m iitrah, one nahrani shot

                 another f-ahrani through the head with a rule.
                 l*he cause c; the quarrel was jealousy over a
                 woman of cac character who uivea in tne same
                 vi..age.        -reerer was tried by the Bahrain
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