Page 536 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 536


                          Ke 12 almost trie only mombar ol' tae rJiulit'ah

                          lani.y v/ho has learned nngiish.    lie has no
                          .revicus experience cl* court v.orn but he appears
                          to be do in;: well.  it you ia -t-ernaps seen no re
                          suitable tnat positions such as these shouia

                          ce neia by the eiaer sons ana nephews ol the
                          roller but unl'ortunateiy most oi them are entirely
                          unsuitable ana nuite uneducated.

                          3.    Number cr cases heard. The Bahrain courts
                          curing the year dealt v.ith over i2u0 cases, only
                           :'our appeals v.ere made iron judgments ana in each
                           case judgments v.ere upheld by the rjuier. The

                           tota_ amount cl' court rees collected was 2s :>,ouu/-,
                           in ioc£ tne court fees amountea to 2i ia,ouu/ -.
                           r-encytwo estates are being aanimstered by the
                           Bahrain -jourt.

                           4.  • runcticns or the Bahrain opart. The Bahrain
                           ^curt is tno highest oi* the Bahrain government
                           courts, tne oniy appeal ircm its cecisions is to
                           tie r.uier hi.tseii'.  Tne court sits during three

                           nays 0:' tne week, iron 5 a.m. until c p.m., ana
                           it deaus v.Tth a great variety oi* cases including
                           tie.foi.owing Categories.

                             a.   uivii cases in which the amount involved
                                  is. not less than , 5Ou/-.   The amount
                                  has recently been raised irom ... ktxy- to
                                  Z* 5uu/- in order to relieve the court oi'
                                  some ol' its work.
                             b.   urimnai cases exceot those cT a trivial
                                   i^sno cases which include ccundary disputes,
                                   irrigation disputes and questions 01' water
                             d.    jiving cases, nsh tra., cases,

                             e.    inheritance.
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