Page 540 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 540


                                     ohitt utthl Department.

                                   wsvenue ?a b6,vuu/-

                                   x,xpenaiture iU <stf,uou/-
                                  There is very ill tie to report on the onia
                             tia.-rt* neuartment.  it lies carried out its usuaj.

                             auties auring the year or administering the
                             ».aki tunas ar.n in improving the waKi properties,
                             over young date trees were planted in .iuKi
                             gardens, id mosques were repaired ana certain

                             shares in the garaens were purchased in craer to
                             cor.soiiaate waKi property,   jour garaens were the
                             subject oi litigation in the court and v.ere provea

                             to be viola'.  The department arinea two artesian
                             wens, one ot which was a laiiure, south of laonaina,
                              ana obtainea a water supply which sumcient
                              to put unaer cultivation a large piece o^r ia-r.a

                              which v.akf property.
                                   it is lixeiy that eariy in the next year
                              there v.lii be an election lor the majxis ol’ the

                              wakf aepartment.   The' present renters have sat
                              on it for several years ana it is auvisabie that
                              they shouia be changed occasionally,     The iiakf
                              aepartment has aiso befen criticisea by the general

                              public v/ho consider that auring last year it paia
  j                           too much4 attention to improving wakf gardens
                              whose income was paid to ohainh ^bauiiah, the

                              uhia ^aai ol' Kanamah.   There is some founaation
                              for this criticism.
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