Page 537 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 537


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                  6.   oases involving complicated accounts are

                  relerrea by the court to the ‘Jr.ajiis Tijara*
                  which also aeais with Certain Giving cases,
                  inheritance ana divorce cases are aeait with
                  by the uhera courts but m every case the

                  judgments oi these advisory courts are referred
                  back to the Bahrain oourt ior confirmation ana
                       •in addition to these duties the Bahrain

                  uourt examines every ssie or registration of
                  property before a title deed is issued ana
                  satisfies itseii that the particulars in the
                 title need which is applied ior are correct,

                 although this worn is very laborious and takes
                 much time its eventual value win be very great.
                 The systems of water rights m Bahrain is extre­

                 mely complicated and is the subject of incessant
                 litigation but by degrees it is being examined
                 and recorded.
                 V.    The Bahrain uourt acts as a rubiic :rrustee
                 m cases when the heirs appiy for administration

                 by the Bahrain oourt.     The court charges no lee
                 for administration except the original court fee
                 which is levied on the whoie estate,      Bankruptcy

                 cases are dealt with in a similar way.
                 6.   The Bahrain oourt does not won: according
                 to any legal coae or regulations, except in
                 important criminal cases such as muraer.      in

                 trying cases of this nature the court is guicied
                 by the inuian renal ooae or rather by the ouaaii
                 renal ucde ana ooue of oriminai ^rpceaure which
                 is ba-sed cn the mdian renai uoae anQ v£ich is

                 published in ijrabic.   whenever possible the court
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