Page 534 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 534

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                           Bahrain Court an- sentenced to death.
                            16.   ATioS UtiU LU-ud j i o 1 J'»4 •  in connecticn

                           with the attacks on minj ar.c Bar'car the police
                            ccrridQ cut several of villages ana
                            while this was beiiq, done it discovered
                            that a very lar^e percentage or the popula­

                            tion are m possession ol rules ana anmuni-
                            tion.   l estimate, roughly, that there are
                            between two ana three thousand serviceable

                            rifles in the possession ci the Bahama
                            villagers and probably an even greater pro­
                            portion in the arac such as hafaa,
                            .aellag ana Budeya.
                                 Although the insert oi firearms is for­

                            bidden            there is no law forbidding
                            the possession cf urearms m Bahrain,       1

                            have reason to suppose that urearas are
                            being smuggled into Bahrain irom the mainland,
                            l have discussed the question with His jsicei-
                            lency bhaiuh Hamad ana his brothers ana they

                            are in favour of a system of registration
                            such as in force in most other countries,
                            it is proposed to issue a proclamation stating
                            that ail rifles murff be registered, tnev win

                            be stampeu ana numbered ana the transfer of
                            rifles win be forbidden,      1 am confident
                             that legislation on tnese lines will contri­
                             bute to reduce the number oi crimes by armed men.
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