Page 535 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 535



                  1.   uho in the Bahrain courts.   The

                  noticeable Tallin- oil' in court foes ccncctca
                  by the Bahrain uourt ajring tile year is .«artiy
                  owing to the present state ol' poverty ana
                  partly 1 think owing to the disorganisation

                  m the Bahrain uourt which iinaiiy terminated
                  when ohaikh ouiman was given permission to
                  retire from the court lor a year,     sruring
                  most ol' the summer he presided alone while the
                  adviser was on leave and this gave on oppor­

                  tunity to a certain section of the ohia community
                  to organise agitation am complaints against some
                  of the finding-of the court.

                       un ohaikh ouiman * s retirement one si his
                 younger brothers, ohaikh abduiiah bin ohaikh
                 Hamad, was appointed as magistrate on tne Bahrain
                 uourt.    ohaikh Abdullah has the aavanta^e cT

                 a better education than ohaimh ouiman ana in
                 addition to this he has several years, experience
                 on the omali joint uourt.     ohaikh A.bQU±iah seems

                 to be very well fitted lor the post, he belongs
                 to the generation anu has been brought
                 up"under the present regime in an atmosphere of
                 law ana order which differs exceedingly to the
                 conditions before the present ruier took over

                 control.    The tv.o generations have a very aif-
                 Cerent outlook on things m general,       xhe tjjomt-
                 ment of ohaikh ^bduilah is popular witn the public.
                 a.   His place on the junior joint uourt has been
                 fined by ohaikh nhtiifah, one of the younger sons
                 of ohairih iiohomea bin isa, v.hc was educated at
                 Beyrut University ana creaks nngiish wen.       lie
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