Page 538 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 538


                           court appoints assessors to examine and deal
                           with cases, especially-disputes soout water
                           rights, fish traps and boundaries,      It is
                           remarkable how willing the public are tc

                           assist the courts in matters of this kind
                           which frequently involve visits to gardens
                            outside the towns.

                           9.    Agitation for a code.    I am confident
                            that the public are genuinely satisfied v/ith
                            the normal administration of justice by the
                            Bahrain Court as long as the court does not
                            consist of one individual only.    During last

                            summer conditions were aonormal and zhe feelings
                            of the Shi a community were stirred by the deci­
                            sion of the Bahrain court in certain cases

                            between Shia Bahama and members of the Ruling
                            Family.   Certain members cf the Shia community
                            in Mananah, who are better educated than the
                            country people, became the leaders of a move­
                            ment which made representations to the govern­

                            ment asking for greater recognition of the Shia
                            Bahama who form perhaps two thirds of the whole
                            population.    Among other demands they asked
                            that a code should be dram up for use in the

                            3ahraia Courts which they, thought would prevent
                            the possibility of unfair treatment to Bahama.
                            Most of their demands were reasonable and have
                            already been dealt with to their satisfaction
                            but the committee which is to examine the ques­

                            tion of a code has not yet begun to work owing
                             to the aosence pf the Shia leader Haji liansoor
                            al Arayadh who is eminently suitable to represent
                             the Shia community on the committee.    I am myself


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