Page 543 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 543

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                  forms are used for receipts, leases and agree­
                  ments and correspond to revenue bjjt they

                  are of one denomination.
                       6. Sitrah Fish traps.       The disagreement
                  between the Bahrain Petroleum Company and trie
                  owners of fish traps which are said to be

                  damaged by the pier at Sitruh was finally
                  settled by mediation.    A number of meetings
                 were held in tte Bahrain government office and
                 eventually the company agreed to reduce the end

                 of the pier and to pay a full year's rent to
                 all trap owners,     The owners agreed to thi3
                 formula, and the dispute which has lasted for
                 about two years, has finally been settled.
                       7.   Bublie 7/orks. ■ Manamah-Meharaq road.

                 Cost Hs 30,500/-.    Great progress has been made
                 during the year on the Jea-road and employment
                 was provided for numbers of Bahrain subjects who

                 were without work.     It is now possible to drive
                 a car along the sea road to a distance of about
                 700 yards from the Manamah end to a point where
                 one section of the ro d has been entirely com-
                 pieted with parapet etc.     It is difficult to

                 describe exactly what construction has been
                 completed during the year but it is very clearly
                 illustrated by three photographs taken from the
                 air through the courtesy of the Officer Command­
                 ing, No. £03 Squadron, Royal Air tforce, Bus rah.
                 I hope to obtain copies of the photographs to
                 illustrate this report.
                      8.   Plans and blue prints of a ferry
                 capable of carrying motor cars were obtained from
                 the Port Director of Busrah and also from Baghdad.
                 The 'Iraq government were asked whether they could
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