Page 548 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 548


                                     of taxation has diminished during recent years.
                                     The council no* consists :i the following members.

                                                        rJLectea.     Appointea by
                                                                       the uovt.

                                        Arabs              b               b
                                        Bahama             b               o
                                        rersians           c               &
                                        Jews                               l

                                     Half the members are elected by the uublic ana
                                     half are nominated by the Government v;nich an­

                                     nounces its choice after the public election,
                                     members elected by the public are not eligible

                                     lor re-eiection on the next council but the
                                     government has the right to re-eiect any members,
                                      in this case the government did not avail itself
                                      of this right ana consequently a clean sweep has

                                      been made of the icrmer members oi the council.
                                     This somewhat drastic action was popular with
                                      the public who were becoming impatient at certain

                                      members who had occupied seats cn the council ior
                                      so many years that they acquired the impression
                                      that they were indispensable and entitieu to
                                      sit on the council as a matter ci course. i'he

                                      change coufd oniy be made by instituting a clean
                                      sweep. The composition oi the new council is
                                      very representative as apart irom the. question of

                                      nationality it contains members oi several local
                                      b. Municipal oecretary. curing tne year *li
                                      bin Hussain hhaiiun, who had been secretary to
                                      the municipality ior b years, was dismissed.

                                      He was directly responsible ior most of the
                                      improvements ano progressive worr:a which were

                                      carried cut by the municipality, he was an
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