Page 551 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 551
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with bushes ana il6wer3 ana the drain whifeh
curries superfluous water to the sea has
bee it repaired.
The smuii municipal garden i*orth of
the i-a'lace was removed during the summer
by order cl* the nuler. it was suggested
to him that mosquitoes were breeding in it
although actually this was not the case,
iany thousands of rupees had been spent on
the £araen by the municipality ana it was
used by the public curing the summer,
b. miscellaneous. & wall built at
Hcura to prevent the sea irom destroying
the low lying land near the village.
Hke taxi stana behina the municipality
was rebuilt.
Municipal weils ana water channels were
<ji artesian well constructed with
the munioiyal drill.
The pump on the edge oi the stagnant water
behind the town was v;orr:eo ior several months
and wa'ter was pumped to the sea.
a new municipal garage was built,
over buuu houses were renumbered.
The municipality took over the sale or
meat during Ramadan and also soid meat .during
the butchers* strike which consequently
collapsed. -
jx tax was imposed on nawkers who were
forbidden to trade without a municipal license.
A tax was imposed on coffee shops hotels
and bakers.