Page 553 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 553

                             j.iuharra4 municipality.

                       revenue Tu* o<s,uuu/-
                       axpenditure ,u» ^,wu/-

                      fjo new wore: 01 noticeable importance have
                 been carried out during the year but the muni­
                 cipality has contmueu its usual programme oi
                 road widening, tov.*n cleaning ana reclamation.

                      ^irtesian v.ens. three artesian wens were
                 equipped with pipes taps and Taives similar to
                 those installed by the ^onamah municipality,

                 me artesian wen was re-arined anu equipped
                 with varves etc..
                      Bazaar improvements. tout bazaar roois
                 were repaired and rebuilt. never, houses were
                 partly demolished m oraer to widen roaus and

                 some or the municipal property was reuaireu.
                 ^ new garage was bunt ior the municipal icrry.
                      uemetery mosuue. The municipality, with

                 some assistance Trom the public, built a mosque
                 at the entrance oi the muharra^ cemetery. This
                 acts as a mortuary chapel.
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