Page 555 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 555
-n hour's* physical exerciaes ia no« included
in. the daily programme cl* the ochoois. I
think on the v.hoie the physical condition of
the boyb h„a improved though v. gre_t cn.ny of
them stin . buffer from akin eye diae^aea.
The giria' school held an exhibition of
their needle work at the end of the term uiia
the work which they produced was e^tremeiy
good una would fuve found ~ re^uy a«ie, but
none of the stuaenta ..iohea to aen the *»ork.
In the opinion of tne te^chera the gins
ore on the v.hoie more intelligent th^n the
boys they ieam more rv-piuiy. It io
pobaibie however that thia ia oecaUae the giria
ore more regular in cttencnmice at school «na
ao not, as is the Cube with rmy of the boys,
leuve school -a scon ^a the diving season begina.
joX the end of the ye~r nine boya from the
two top forms in the LUn..m.h ana f.uh~rr~(i achoois
Pv-aaea cut uic obt^inea certificates. They
-re ail now working, some in their fathers*
offices ana othera in government employment.