Page 560 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 560

                             was  struck by heat stroke ana uiea on the same

                             aay.   „hen the Viceroy re tunica to Indiu he was
                             received uguin but on this occasion the ceremony
                             was not so formal ana the Yiceroy visitea ohaiich
                             nbauiiah bin isa’s house near the aeroarome where

                             he drank coffee.   This is the secona time in the
                             history of Bahrain that a viceroy has visited
                             the islands, the previous visit was paid by nora

                             uurzon over <$5 years ago.
                                   Imueriai airways.    In January        the
                             imperial JLrways began their aoubie service of
                             two nastbouna ana two nestbouna machines passing

                             through Bahrain each week.    Unfortunately owing
                              to the times at which the aeroplanes arrive, it
                              is not yet possible lor the general public to
                              receive a letter on one day ana to post a reply

                              on the following aay.   The Imperial _irv.ays
                              decided to give up their nesthouse in Luanamah
                              ana passengers are now accomodatea in tents on

                              the aeroarome.   The tents are very coia in winter
                              and very hot in summer.
                                   Bahama agitation.         the ena of the summer
                              there was some a.-itation on the part of the uhia

                              Bahama which was maimy directed against the
                              Bahrain uourt ana the ruling ramiiy.    ~ series
                              of aggravating circumstances inclining the action

                              of uhaikh wuinan on the Bahrain ocurt in certain
                              cases between members of the nuiing ramiiy ana the
                              Bahama culminating in a a is put e between  a u hia
                              village ana the «uier over the depredations caused
                              by the cameis provoked hitter feeling on either

                               side.   These conditions afforaed an opportunity to
                               some wen mown politically minded members of the
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