Page 565 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
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Bahrain Petroleum Company.
Icc Plant. The municipal icc plant ran
from 25th Muharram to 2nd Rajab, a shorter
period than usual, due to a shortage of ammonia
(the suppliers having misdirected the cylinder)
but the run was successful; 160 tons being made
and sold at a profit to the municipality. A
new freezing tank was obtained and fitted during
the winter of 1353, prior to the seasons run,
and the plant reinstalled.
Transmissions etc. Losses. Transmission
and transformer losses amount to 13.75j© of the
total generated as compared with 15.5;* previously.
This is due to the increased load and a somewhat
better power factor during the winter months.
Generating costs. Cost per unit generated
allowing for depreciation were:-
in 1353 - 1#39 annas per unit.
1352 - 1.41 "
The reduction is <£ue to the increased load, and the
allocation of a certain proportion of the wages
to outside work. ^lso some reduction was made
in the price of lubricating oil.
Public telephones. The number of subscribers
connected at the end of the year 1353 was 28. The
rate per annum for the hire of a line telephone
instrument has been reduced from Rs 150/- to ?.s 125/-.
The price for an extension instrument has been
reduced fixed at Rs 30/- per annum. During the
year a telephone lino was run to liuharraq aerodrome,
the deep channel crossing being made by submarine
cable. kn exchange is being installed at ituharraq.
It is anticipated that a line will shortly be run
to the camps of the Bahrain Petroleum Company (some