Page 564 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 564
Electric Supply.
Annual report for year 1353, submitted by Mr.
W. B. Steele, State Engineer.
The current consumption for the year 1353
shows an increase of 17,203 units over 1352,
partly due to an extra connected load of 16 Kw,
and partly due to a slight increase in current
consumption generally, economic conditions being
somewhat better than of late years.
The following extra load has been connected
during 1353:-
330 points (16 Kw.) of which 190 are light
points and 140 fan points etc. Four new refri
gerators were connected in Mananah. Revenue
from connected load during 1353 was 36,797/- as
compared ?.ith connected load curing 1352, Rs 30,936/-
Sixtyfive premises have been wired. In llanamali
57, as conpared with 83 in 1352. In Maharaq 8,
as conpared with §3 15 in 1352. Total consumers
connected to date 554. Maximum load recorded
118.2 Kw. Total kilowaxts connected to date 196.
Wiring contracts. Sixtyfive houses only
were wired during 1353, but the total number of
points were more, in proportion, than of previous
years, due to the houses being larger. Also the
wiremen were engaged on running the new telephone
line to Muharraq aerodrome, the wireless station,
etc., during the year 212 light points were
wired at the Old and New camps cf the Bahrain
Petroleum Co. Wiring outside the municipal area
has been discontinued (see statement under Financial
position) but this department continues to supply
all necessary wiring material to the Bahrain