Page 567 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 567

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                     to supply the Litter with wiring material at

                     scheduled rates, direct,    The material dees
                     not ^o through our stores, clearing only being
                    done by us.
                          Prospects for 1354.     Very little revenue

                    can be expected from wiring contracts, unless
                     there is an advance in trade generally, but
                    the following additions to the electricity
                    system will be made.

                          Jufair.   British (Gulf) Naval Base. Owing
                    to the Gulf Naval Patrol (4 sloops) having aeb
                    moved its base to jufair (on the min island of

                    Bahrain) a new Base, consisting of an Officers’
                    Club, Clerk in Charge's house, Canteen, Stores etc.
                    is in course of construction.     This depot will
                    be supplied from "D" sub-station which is situated
                    in H. f. Shaikh Sir Hanad's Palace at Godhabia,

                    and approximately 1£ miles from the Naval depot.
                         The connected load fron this source will be,
                    to commence with, approximately 7i K.w, and will

                    consist of two electric water pumps, each of 2JH.P.
                    five refrigerators, fens and lights,     four refri-
                    gerators have been ordered for Nan amah, and it may
                   be assuned that some 300 to 400 extra light and
                   fan points will be added during 1354.

                         The government took over the agency of the
                   International General Electric Company, Ltd., of
                   America, and to date 40 refrigerators have been

                   imported - 22 have been installed at the Bahrain
                   Petroleum Company's camps, ..ri 13 have been instal­
                   led in Manamah.
                         This is a source of revenue and in addition
                   increases zr.e sale of electricity in Mandmrih.

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