Page 563 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 563
ana have provided breeding places ior quantities
ol' mosquitoes. in addition to the danger to the
public health owing to there being no drain for
the surplus water the gardens themseives have
aul'l'ered. On the suggestion ana with the assis
tance ol' the government the owners ol the various
gardens combined together ana built a ±ong water
channel from the neighbourhooa ol the gardens down
to the sea ana each garden is now connected to
the main drain by a channel. The drain had to
be cut through stone in many places but the work
or blasting the rock v;as very successiui^parried
out by the utat-e engineer. The result is very
satisl'actory, the spare water is now carried straight
down to the sea ana there has been a most remarkable
decrease in the numbers ol mosquitoes in that area.
The cost or the work is being paiu lor by the ov/ners
or the garaens which ore aiiectea.
Butchers* strike. ror more than thirty years
the butchers or Manamah had the reputation oi being
troublesome ana truculent. They form a community
in themselves ana most or them are related to each
other. curing the Autumn they organised a strike
in order to obtain a reauction in the rents oi the
stalls in the meat market, The strike lastea two
or three days but it conapsea immediately when the
municipality, acting under orders oi the Government,
took over the market ana eoia meat to the public.