Page 566 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 566
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(some 14 miles from Menem eh) where it will be
connected to a 36 line exchange, for aistrioution
in that area. The distance apart of the furthest
telephone points will then be approximately 26 miles
and most of tns inhabited parts of Bahrain v.ill be
within easy reach of a telephone.
Financial position, it will be seen that the
debit balance of Rs 19,933/- representing chiefly
depreciation, is 3s 6,638/- less than the previous
year due almost entirely to an increase^revenue
from the sale of energy. The figures being:-
in 1353 - Rs 36,897/1
1352 30,986/8
difference Rs — 5,310/9
A loss of something in the neighbourhood of Rs 5,000/-
was sustained on wiring contracts, due to the lower
ing of the charge fcr wirin0 light points. The
price per point in Man amah and iiuharraq was reduced
from Rs 18/8 to approxiaa cely Rs 14/- and at the Bahrain
petroleum Company new camps from 15/- to Rs 13/-.
this experiment was, doubtless, tried with good intent,
but was not a success, fewer houses bein*. conrected
than when the price was higher and the consequent
loss was as shown* With the economic position as it
is at present, it is inadvisable to experiment on
these lines. 1 night add that the prices were reduced
without the knowledge and during the absence of the
Adviser to the Government and myself. This practice
also resulted in the accumulation of a great deal 6f
wiring stock, which is now so much dead weight, It
has been decidedat any rate for the time being, to
reduce the wiring staff to a minimum in Munamah and
^uharraq and xo discontinue wiring altogether at the
Bahrain Petroleum Company camps, but continue to