Page 561 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 561
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the uhia community in ;„ana;.Tah to utilise the
prevailing discontent us a means ior obtaining
certain poiiticui concessions irom the government,
but these concessions were reaiiy only sought
by the liananiah ohias \.iio have 4uite a different
mentality to the ignorsnt ana inarticulate country
people. aight representatives, iour iron kanumah
ana lour Irom the country, were erectea by the
uhia community, which consists 01 about two thirus
ol the whoie population, to represent their grie-
vances to the government, The demands which they
made were not unreasonable. They asked that a
code should be adopted in the Bahrain oourts, that
there should be proportionate representation on
the municipal councils, that the lianamah school
should be handed bac-: to the uhia community and
that the uhias should have more representatiwas
on the kajiis Tajara. Unfortunately the beha-
viour ol some ol the petitioners and their suppor-
tersa during the discussions which took place
was such aa might be liKeiy to cause a breach ui
the peace. eventually however the government
agreed to deal v.ith the Various points which had
been raised and the uhia community were satisfied.
^ fev; months later the eight ^hia representatives
presented another letter to the Government that
a third uhia „adi should be appointed by the govern
ment and that an three should sit together on one
bench, as is done in the case ol the uunni Radis’.
This request caused a cleavage in the ranks or the
u.hias as uhaiiih ^bauiiah bin mohomed uu±eh, the
uhia liadi in ivianamah, bitterly resented the sugges
tion that he shouiu sit with any other yidis and