Page 556 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 556


                            4ji increasing number oi *J-abs ere- becoming
                            interested m agriculture and ever: year more
                            lanQ is being put under cultivation,     in the

                            past nothing was grown in the gardens except
                            dates, lucerne ana local vegetables but now
                            three or lour landov/ners are making experiments
                            id growing nuropean vegetables ana different

                            kinds of fruit.    Last year cabbages, cauli­
                            flowers ana potatoes were grown xocaiiy, though
                             in small quantities, ana soia in the bazaar

                            where they found a ready market,     Unfortunately
                            it doesnot seem possible to grow vegetables in
                            Bahrain an through the year, curing the summer
                            months irem June tin October omy iocai vege­
                            tables can be grown.

                                  muring the year io5u fruit trees were
                             imported into Bahrain, these included orgnges,
                             mangoes, limes etc.   fne government bought

                             a few goon quality-mangoes from India ana it
                             appears that some of these are li^eiy to produce
                             fruit during the first year,    The example of

                             the government in planting oranges at oinaian
                             has undoubtedly encouraged many people who own
                             gardens to experiment in growing oranges- and
                             there is every reason to expect that the experi­

                             ment wiii be successful.    Last year*s crop
                             from oinaian was siirhtiy greater than the
                             previous year ana the oranges were very large

                             and of goou quality,
                                  u&tes.    over 7,uuU young date trees were
                             imported into Bahrain, mostly iron oaounit-Arabia,
                             inspite of the very heavy’ export auty which has
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