Page 554 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 554



                                 Increase in students.      The process of the
                            Department of Education durinc the year has teen

                            satisfactory,   The total nur.ber of students,
                            including girls attending tr.e ^ov-.rnwenx schools
                            at the enc of the year was over lloO which is
                            about 190 more than at the end of t ie previous
                            year.   The increase in the llanarauh school consists

                            mostly of boys from the mission school and the
                            school of Ibrahim Arayaah, the latter school is
                            closing at the end of the school year and it is
                            understood that the t'ission school is also con­

                            templating closin- down altogether,     In this
                            event it is likely that next term there v/ill be
                            □ore applications for entry tc the Ilanonah boys
                            school that the institution can deal with,      The
                            opposition ancn^ the 3hia co.^:unity in Llanamnh
                            to the ^ovirusent boys’ school which has existed
                            for some years is now apparently subsiding as at

                            the end of the year there were 76 Shias at the
                            ilan&nah school out of a total cf approximately
                            250 boys.
                                 New developments. ocouxing has been intro­

                            duced in the -aanamah and Uuharraq boys’ schools
                            by two of the masters who had experience in this
                            work in Syria.    It is a popular movement and there
                            is great competition among; the boys to beoome scouts.

                            On various occasions curing the year they have taken
                            part in public rvents and curin& the accession cele­
                            brations they gave an exhibition of drilling etc.

                            The boys are not only being, taught drill etc. but
                            they learn ‘the principles cf the movement* Half an
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