Page 549 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
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un energetic uno intelligent oecretary but
unfortunately he incurred the displeasure
oi certain leading merchants ana members ci
the nuiing family, The position oi secretary
to the municipal council is * amicuit one,
the last three secretaries have been dismissed
under a cioud. ror some months the Head olerk,
Abdurrehman ohaiji, acted as oecretary until
the appointment oi the new oecretary, mohomed
oaihh son oi Yusui ohattar a local merchant.
The nev. oecretary is a local *Jc*ab who has been
eaucatea ana who speaks nngush wen. lie
worked m the government alectric department
Tor live years, first under mr. Jordan or
Messrs. Caiienaer*s uabie c. uonstruction uo.,
and then unaer the present otate uigineer.
He was transferred from the electric Department
to the municipality, His appointment to the
post was popular except among those who wished
to obtain the appointment for themselves or
for their relations.
4. noad work, aork has been none on various
roads within the municipal area. ^ number
of houses were demolished in nas Roman, south
east of the garden of the roiiticai agency,
in order to extend the road, which passes the
south side of the political agency, to the sea
shore where it will connect 'with the i_ananah-
Xaharaq road v The mananah (Government fioad
(sea road; has been resurfaced and widened by
filling m the depression along the southern
edge. This has given an additional ten feet
to the road which is a valuable improvement.