Page 544 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 544
could lead an Engineer to report on the project,
but they were unable to do 30. i an confident
that a ferry on the lines, of the one described
could be made in Bahrain.
9. I do not regard it as unadvisaole to
proceed with the work before deciding on the
type of ferry, Apart frour the ferry, whose
main use will be to convey cars across the deep
channel, the completion of the road up to both
sides of the deep channel would be of very great
benefit to Uananah and to iluharraq. Until a
ferry exists passengers could cross in motor
launches or in sailing boats, The eventual
distance between the two ends of the road will
be about 800 feet. If the road is completed
it will take less than ten minutes to reach
Muharraq from Manaaah by motoring to the end
of the road and crossing in a launch and com
munication between the two islands will no longer
depend upon tides and weather. ’ The completion
of the sea road is regarded by His Excellency
Shaikh Hamad as a matter of the very greatest
importance, since the work has ceased whenever
I am with him he speaks about continuing the
construction of the road.
10.. Customs pier. Necessary repairs were
1 which is exposed to all the rough weather, was
carried out on the customs pier. The pierhead
= seriously damaged. It has .been strengthened
by an additional stone wall built from the sea
bed almost’to the height of the pier extending
across the head of the pier and a short distance
along each side.