Page 547 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 547

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                            toanamah municipality.

                        Revenue ibb2          i.o bb,6uv;/-
                        expenditure ldbfc        4y,4uu/-

                        revenue i<35d            b«,£VA>/-
                        expenditure              ob, ^6^/ -

                        The activities oi* the municipality have
                   oeen somewhat restricted owing to the need lor
                   economy and apart iron the routine work such

                   as cleaning the town ana repairing the roads
                   etc. very little important work has been aone
                   auring the year.

                   &. .Municipal elections. Towards the ena or
                  the year there was a municipal election ana the
                  representative composition oi the council was
                   changed in accordance to the request oi the
                  ohia community who recently asKSu the government

                  to increase the number oi* the ohia members on
                  the municipal council. The election was
                  carried cut in the usual way, by voting. A

                  list ol' qua nr led electors was shown on the
                  municipal notice board, for ten days ana members
                  oi’ each community voted on appointed aays.
                  electors appeared at the municipal oirice in

                  person ana 1'ilieu in the voting earns which
                  they piacea in a closed ballot box which was
                  openea after the election in the presence or
                  a committee. rreviously no person was quali­

                  fied to .vote unless he paid not less than 3s ty­
                  per annum in municipal taxes, this amount has
                  been reaucea to .M b/- as the general scaie or
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