Page 558 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 558


                           is little to be guinea by suing tenauts who
                          have no possible means of guying aebts. in

                           the jest an tnc garoens were leased by the
                           *a*ab owners to Bahama tenants, recently
                           deny lenuiortis have stoppea letting their

                           gardens, owing to non-payment ol rent, and
                           are.wording then by paid labour. These
                           labourers are always Hassav/is, they are a
                           troublesome type, notorious thieves and

                           much bolder than the Bahama. The presence
                           or large communities or HassaY,is out in the
                           Bahama vuia-ges is not very desirable,

                           in tv.o recent cases or aroeu attacks on
                           villages it appears that the ringleaders
                           were Hassav/is.
                                Tobacco. various times snaii plots of

                           tobacco have been grown m Bahrain, usually on
                           oitrah island. This year Hussein Yatim has
                           planted several different riinas or tobacco at

                           Bar bar which is growing very wen. Lost or
                           leal tobacco in Eahrain is imported from the
                           Eatna coast. 11‘ tobacco couia be grown, ana
                           dried in Bahrain it wouia form a very usefux

                                 Tomatoes. Gardeners in Bahrain rind that
                           they can groY/ tomatoes during February, March

                           and «a.prii when apparently there is a demand for
                           tomatoes in Ira^.    This year over 6uu crates of
                           Eahrain tomatoes were exported to irai± and sold
                           at a profit.    It is expected that next year the
                           export of tomatoes van increase.      Although this

                           trade is now on a very small scale it is encouraging
                           for the owners of gardens in Bahrain.
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