Page 562 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 562


                             ana he ana his supporters organised a counter
                             petition repudiating the ei?;ht representatives
                             ana declaring thut they were acting against

                             the wishes ol' the uhia community,    This was
                             the position when the year en.uea.
                                  Notable visits.    The annual visit ol the

                             Naval oommanaer in uhiet", iiast Indies coincided
                             with the celebrations ol* His excellency uhaikh
                             Hamad's accession ciay which take place every
                             year.   une or the events during the three days*
                             holiday was the police sports which took place

                             in front or the jort.    The _anirai very Kinaiy gave
                             permission ior the hoyai Marine Band iron H.ll.o.

                             ■'Hawkins1* to play on the ground during the sports,
                             which was greatly appreciated by the public.
                                  in February lad5, Mr. xinatchbuii-Hugesson,
                             His Majesty's Minister in Teheran paid a short
                             visit to Bahrain.

                                  In rebruary Hear admiral Hive ol the rrench
                             Navy visited Bahrain in the sioop ~Bougainvinen.
                             In the spring shaikh Mohomec bin Isa anu some ol

                             his lamiiy new by Imperial airways to nuwait
                             v/here they stayed ior about a month with shaikh
                             /ihmad ai Jabr.   lAiring the summer shaikh Mohomed
                             bin Isa as usual paid a visit to agypt and oyria

                             and uhaikh ^bdunah bin Isa visited nebanon.
                                  ~ number or minor uhtikhs from the Truciai
                             uoast visited Bahrain during the year as the

                             guests or the nuier.
                                  training operations. ~ very useful work
                             was carried out by owners oi gardens on the
                             oouth ol* lianamah behind the rort. for some

                             years these gardens have been water logged and
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