Page 557 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 557

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                     has been imposed on young date trees by the

                     oaouaia-nrui'ia government.    Last year the
                     value oi' fresh ana ariea dates imported into
                     Bahrain was over ila o,vaj,uvaj/- so it is evident
                     that a great many more dates couiq be grown

                     in Behrain lor local consumption, apart from
                     the possibility of export,     It is surprising
                     that the Bahrain gardens should produce such
                     good dates as the date trees are not properly

                     dealt with anu are never manured,     Most or
                     the gardens belong to the Kuiing jjamiiy who
                     with a few7 exceptions s^eno no money on the

                     upkeep or improvements of the gardens,      oome
                     years ago the trees in a section of oinaian
                     garden were manured m the way which is pra-
                     ctised in mgypt ana elsewhere, trenches were
                     dug round the base of the trunks and fined

                     with manure.    The subsequent improvement in
                     the crops from the trees which v.-ere dealt with
                     in this way has been noticeable.'    Tne date

                     season  Jast year was good, the crop was not
                     injured by storms locusts or uisease, the
                     prospects for the next season are at present
                    unusually good.     It is noY/ over three years

                     since the last visitation of locusts to Bahrain,
                    before then they used to come almost every
                     other year and they did much damage to ground
                     crops and date trees. .

                          The number of cases brought by landlords
                     against their tenants for failure to pay rents
                    have been fev;er during the year than usual.

                    This^partly because the leases have been reduced
                     and aiso because landlords find that there is
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