Page 568 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 568

                   566                    -5-

                              General.    The maximum loud was rec-.rdod
                          in the month of Shuwaul, during the anniversary
                         celebr..ti r.j of liib Excellency Shaikh Sir Hamad’s
                         accession as filler of rai.i, and both generating

                         sets were called into yse f r first time since
                          their installation, Un this occasion :  • vo,.inately
                          1300 temporary lights were erected on government
                          • : i yublic buildings and in tbs bazaar.

                               The question of v ? 1-1 ling an ice s to cage
                          chamber in connection tvith'the nu.ii.;i;' 1 ice plant,
                          should be seriously entertained in order that
                          ice Lay be stored on d-ys when the demand is snail.

                          At pr'.i.v ■ * V-* iv.   .x-i.pressor has to work
                          24 hours a day for approximately five months,
                          which is asking a ^reat deal too mu cl; cf it.
                               It Liy be of interest to note that the load

                          and revenue curves of the 3ahrain Electricity
                          undertaking have risou s. oily since the station
                          opened in Muharram 1348.
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